Our Environmental Management System Policy
Standards determined by all relevant laws and regulations are implemented. Natural resource use is reduced and consumption of reusable and recyclable materials is aimed at as much as possible. Wastes arising from production and our other activities are minimized in every situation and every field where applicable. Environmental criteria are taken into account when making investment decisions. We act cautiously and carefully about the potential environmental impacts in all our activities. An Environmental Management System has been developed and its effectiveness and up-to-dateness are ensured. Emergency Risks are tried to be reduced. Training of all personnel on environmental protection is ensured. All requirements of "ISO 14001:2015 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" are fulfilled. Third parties related to our business, our suppliers and suppliers who provide goods and services to our business are also advised and encouraged to apply environmental standards similar to our system. Not only protecting the environment, but also participating in studies related to environmental development, projects are created for this purpose and/or efforts are made to support created projects.